
Embrace the Journey

Have you ever focused so intently on reaching your destination you forgot to embrace the journey? Sometimes we need a reminder. Mine came this past August as my husband and I drove to our daughter’s home. To celebrate her birthday, Barry built a beautiful farmhouse table and benches. We rented a truck to transport this special gift.

Our usual route is the interstate, where heavy traffic and construction is a given. We decided on a different, less traveled road. We figured a more relaxing drive without fear of a collision mangling the table would be a good thing.

So off we went on the six hour trip. My husband drove the truck and I followed in our car with Gibbs, our eighty-pound dog. Because we’d chosen an unfamiliar route, my focus was on making sure we got to our destination. Embracing the journey didn’t register on my radar.

A few hours into the drive, our GPS directed us to take the next right. We did. As soon as we made the turn, I saw a sign in the distance and knew we’d turned too soon. But surely the roads ran parallel and our GPS would reroute us. Wouldn’t she? Funny how she decided to stop talking. Maybe she was mad at us.

We found ourselves on rural roads winding through gently sloping countryside. Since no other cars were in sight, I glanced at the beauty around me. Sleek horses grazing in green pastures. Perfect rows of Christmas trees dotting a hillside farm. A narrow stream meandering near the road. Cloudless blue sky. I exhaled a long breath. God was taking me on a field trip (literally) to remind me of the wonder of His touch.

In the frantic pace to reach our destination, how often do we miss all He has for us along the way? Consider Deuteronomy 31:8, a verse filled with the beauty of who He is: “The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (NASB)

Imagine! He’s already waiting at our destination because He goes ahead, but He also comes along with us on the journey. Who can do that but God? With Him as our travel companion, the journey becomes an adventure. We have a seat front and center to experience the majesty of His creation, the faithfulness of His love, the comfort of His presence. And when the journey switches from wide roads to narrow twists and turns, we can lean into His protection and care.

So whether your destination lies across the globe or in the school carpool line, embrace the journey. God is with you, and He is great company.

Now it’s your turn! In what ways does Deuteronomy 31:8 encourage you? (“The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”) Please leave your comments in the box below.


  • Janet

    The Lord, through many trials, have given me a peace and calmness so I would slow down and enjoy or have patience in almost all situations.

    How marvelous it is to not rush through life by ceasing the moments we are in to view what is around us, read while being detained a long time in waiting rooms, or engage in conversations with strangers.

    I love to pull off the road and view the fields, the animals, the wild flowers, or the folks working.

    This world has much beauty even in areas that you would not normally consider beautiful. In those areas think of how the home looked when first built or the lives living there.

    God can change your outlook

  • Jennifer

    Thanks for the reminder❤️ God’s beauty through nature is all around us and you don’t even have to go on a field trip! I am so thankful for His presence during the journey

  • Katherine Elizabeth Rioux

    Thank you for the reminder to enjoy the journey! I actually enjoy long car trips where my husband and I can listen to our favorie worship music or podcasts and have long conversations, and sometimes get offtrack as well, LOL. However, I can also apply this to my daily life, where I have certain tasks or a to-do list to complete and then I am reminded to slow down and enjoy the moments when I have an opportunity to interact with others or make a new acquaintance!

  • Katherine Pasour

    Kim, your message is a timely reminder for me–I’ve always tended to be over-scheduled and attempt too many tasks at once to spend any time enjoying observing on the journey. But after retirement, I’ve made a conscious effort to slow down and “look” at my world. I’m not relaxed enough yet, but still working on it. Thank you for the encouragement (glad your trip turned out well.)

    • Kim

      I tend to overschedule, too, Katherine. What a difference in outlook when I embrace my journey, enjoying God as my travel companion! Blessings to you, my friend.