
God’s Love Notes

Blue sky, bright sun, and mild temperatures promised the perfect spring day. I gripped the leash of my eighty-five pound lab and we headed out for our early morning walk. Though I pray while we walk, my prayers are sometimes scattered, something like “Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy and … no, Gibbs, leave it!” We live in a neighborhood with patches of woods between the houses, and Gibbs always manages to pull me to underbrush as he picks up scents of deer and rabbits.

Today was no exception. As we rounded a curve, Gibbs veered toward a wooded area. He poked around branches, leaves, and a log resting on the ground. I moved closer and stared. The smooth end of the log formed a perfect heart.

My scattered prayers focused. I felt God speaking His love straight to me. He is the all-powerful Creator of the universe, yet He knows my path. He knew I would be in that exact spot, and He reminded me there of His unfailing love.

I looked at the heart for a long time. What a special glimpse of God’s glory–glory that surrounds me constantly. God’s love notes are all around me, yet how many times have I missed them?

Months later, as Gibbs and I walked past that special patch of woods, I noticed weeds growing around the log, partially covering the shape of the heart. Though the heart remained the same, the ability to see had changed.

I thought about the times I allow difficult circumstances to obstruct my own view. The picture of the log was a powerful reminder that through the trials of life, God’s love remains constant. He never changes. I only need to focus on Him. He will take care of the rest.

When have you seen God’s love notes?


  • Leigh Anne W. Hoover

    Your essay spoke to my heart. I, too, walk our Labrador almost daily, and it’s my “scattered” prayer time. Often, they’re shooting “arrow” prayers for those in homes we pass along the way. However, one part of the walk is a little less traveled, and I call it the “prayer corner.” It’s where I most often talk to God, and sometimes, even glimpse His presence just like you did in your special log.🙏🏻💗🙏🏻

    • Kim

      Leigh Anne,

      I love your idea of praying for those in the homes you pass as you walk! I’m going to make that part of my routine too.


  • Joan

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder of God’s love. He places these messages all around us, and I am about to write of His sweet comfort yesterday as I left the house for a short afternoon walk with my two little Bichons. He is faithful as we are open to His Spirit.

    • Kim


      Yes, He is faithful and His comfort is sweet! By the way, I wasn’t familiar with the Bichon. I looked up the breed, and it is adorable!
