
A Saving Defense

I sank into the hotel room’s swivel chair and glanced at the paper calendar on the small desk. October 24, 2016. My husband had already left for work, and our two dogs had settled in for naps after their morning walk. I debated whether to join them. Strange how exhausted the mile walk had left me. Probably the stress of six weeks crowded into a hotel room waiting for repairs in our home to be completed. I slid my Bible toward me. I’d sleep later. Besides, the cat had joined the dogs and there was no room left on the bed.

I turned to the day’s reading in Psalm 28, never dreaming how tightly I’d hold onto its truths just twelve hours later. “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him. The Lord is their strength, and He is a saving defense to His anointed.” (Psalm 28:7-8 NASB)

As I read those words, my eyes were drawn to the phrase ‘saving defense.’ I thought about my kids’ soccer games. The job of the players on defense was to guard their goal to prevent the opposing team from scoring. We’d cheer when our team kicked the ball away from the goal, but occasionally, the other team would propel the ball past the line of defense and into the goal. At that moment, the defense, no matter how skilled, wasn’t a saving defense.

God impressed upon me that morning how He is always a saving defense. He is never caught by surprise. Nothing ever slips past Him. He is sovereign, powerful, loving, and faithful. He will always take care of me in every circumstance.

Those verses stayed with me as I continued my day. By evening, I was exhausted but didn’t think to mention how I felt to my husband, Barry. I took the dogs for the evening trek to the grassy field by the hotel. On the way back inside, excruciating pain radiated in my jaws and teeth. The pain didn’t let up. What on earth? Did I need medical attention? I decided, foolishly, to take a shower. Might as well be clean in case I needed to head to the ER. I almost couldn’t finish. I got dressed and dragged myself to the bed.

“Are you okay?” Concern filled Barry’s eyes.

Pain danced in my chest. “I think I need to go to the hospital.”

Forty-five minutes later, I’d had an EKG. I knew from the look on the tech’s face the news wasn’t good. The ER doctor confirmed it. I was having a heart attack.

As I waited to be wheeled into the operating room, God brought the truths of the morning back to me. He was my saving defense. Though I didn’t know His plan in the next moments, peace enveloped me. I could rest in Him. I was in the hands of the sovereign, loving, powerful God of the universe. And in His kindness, He had reminded me that morning that His care is always perfect.

Almost seven years have passed since that October day. My heart sustained no damage, and my health is good. I’m thankful for the great outcome, but even if I had not recovered, God still would have been my saving defense. He protects both in life and in death through what His Son accomplished on the cross. When we place our trust in Jesus, He gives us eternal life.

I’m also reminded of the importance of spending time with God each day. He prepared me for what was ahead and gave me a promise I could cling to during a critical time.

Now it’s your turn! What verse has God used during a critical moment in your life?


    • Kim

      Thank you, Joni. And thanks for your encouragement! Looking forward to seeing you at the conference and catching up. Can’t wait to hear about your writing!