What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘refresh’? Don’t think about pressing a button on your electronic device. Think life. Does a cool breeze on a hot summer day refresh you? Sipping a glass of ice-cold lemonade under a porch fan? How about a dip in the pool after yard work in the sun? When I hear the word ‘refresh,’ I think of a place called Ein Gedi. During our church’s visit to Israel in the summer of 2023, we traveled through parts of the Judean wilderness. As temperatures reached one hundred, the sun beat down relentlessly. But in the midst of the wilderness, we arrived at…
The Blessing of Tolerance
Join me in welcoming our guest blogger, Dr. Katherine Pasour! Katherine and I met years ago at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. Her desire to serve the Lord in her writing has been a source of inspiration to me. Katherine’s latest book, Stay the Course, is a practical and encouraging devotional for first-year college students. At the end of Katherine’s blog, there’s a book giveaway of Stay the Course! What a great gift for yourself or the student in your life! The Blessing of Tolerance: Many years ago, when my daughter was small, I took her to the bathroom at the restaurant where our family was eating. The latch…
Temporal or Eternal?
Temporal or eternal? I was thinking about this subject awhile back. No, I wasn’t reading a theological treatise. Instead, I was attempting to clean the floors with a cat and two dogs in the house. I always started the process when the crowd napped in the bedroom. They’d snooze through the sweeping and snore through the vacuuming. But the instant I finished mopping, the circus came to town. “What’cha doing, Mom?” “Hi, Mom, just getting a snack.” “Hey, Mom, I need to go out.” Back and forth, back and forth, until paw prints covered the wet floor. The satisfaction I felt at the completion of a task evaporated in a…
Light for My Path
Do you ever stumble around your house in the dark? I do this when my husband is asleep and I need to adjust the thermostat. Not really the greatest idea, because sometimes I press the A/C when I intend to turn on the heat. Makes for a chilly start the next morning. Outside, though, I always have light for my path, especially since I attended a class on wildlife in our community. Deer, snakes, and possums occasionally trek through our yard. Sightings of a bear or fox have also circulated through the neighborhood. But I was surprised to learn bobcats and coyotes live in our area. If I’m late taking…
Do you count your steps? Back when I counted mine, 10,000 seemed to be the sweet spot. Tools to measure the number of our steps flood the market. But could someone invent an app measuring the how? Are our steps hesitant or confident? Ambling or running? Faltering or steady? Weary or energetic? Measuring the how would enable us to evaluate those times we need help getting where we’re going. Most importantly, what about tracking the direction of our steps? I don’t mean geographical direction. Plenty of devices exist for that. Instead, I’m thinking of the destination to which our steps ultimately lead. Who or what are we moving toward? A…