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    Temporal or Eternal?

    Temporal or eternal? I was thinking about this subject awhile back. No, I wasn’t reading a theological treatise. Instead, I was attempting to clean the floors with a cat and two dogs in the house. I always started the process when the crowd napped in the bedroom. They’d snooze through the sweeping and snore through the vacuuming. But the instant I finished mopping, the circus came to town. “What’cha doing, Mom?” “Hi, Mom, just getting a snack.” “Hey, Mom, I need to go out.” Back and forth, back and forth, until paw prints covered the wet floor. The satisfaction I felt at the completion of a task evaporated in a…

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    Light for My Path

    Do you ever stumble around your house in the dark? I do this when my husband is asleep and I need to adjust the thermostat. Not really the greatest idea, because sometimes I press the A/C when I intend to turn on the heat. Makes for a chilly start the next morning. Outside, though, I always have light for my path, especially since I attended a class on wildlife in our community. Deer, snakes, and possums occasionally trek through our yard. Sightings of a bear or fox have also circulated through the neighborhood. But I was surprised to learn bobcats and coyotes live in our area. If I’m late taking…